CRS-A crdi common rail diesel injector tester
CRS-A Common Rail Injector tester can coordinate 1 set checker to test atomization and valve seat leakage situation of one electromagnetic valve type common rail injector or piezoelectric type common rail injector.
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CRS-A can test nozzle spray pattern and injector back leakage, to check the CR injector with either solenoid or piezo technol
the repair tester to simulate the engine Control Unit (ECU) driving signals for a common rail injector of either solenoid technology or piezo technology, made by Bosch, Delphi, Denso and Siemens. The user is able to set the control parameters of fuel injection drive signals. By combining of a CRS-A tester and a high pressure fuel source, which may be a mechanical manual pump, or an electrical motor driven pump, or a pneumatic driven pressure booster, to feed the CR injector, the user is able to fulfill the tasks, such as nozzle spray pattern and injector back leakage, to check the CR injector with either solenoid and piezo technology .
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